… Tomato Toasts, Watercress & Pea Salad
So I am moving and the second van load has been unloaded. It’s time for some lunch. Left on the list to cook today is a frittata or a Greek salad. Debbie, who is helping with the move, gets to choose which. She chooses this and so this is what we have.
This is the first test of the new kitchen. Two immediate irritations. One of the rings on the hob doesn’t work (the big one) and the main oven doesn’t seem to work (the small one does). That’s a job to sort out tomorrow.
With this meal you grate the courgettes in the food processor and then squeeze the liquid out of them. There is an unbelievable amount of liquid that comes out. This is fried off a bit and then the egg mix is added. In the new kitchen I now have a sink next to the cooking area. This is a convenient place to chuck the broken eggs sells (all eight of them).
Despite my now using an electric hob, I get on quite well. My toast does not get quite as well cooked as Jamie’s and I can only fit three bits in my griddle pan, not four.
There is a cool little salad with fresh peas, watercress and celery.
First cooking in the new kitchen and I’m done in under the fifteen minutes.
This is a great meal. Really great. The frittata is absolutely lovely and so is the ciabatta and so is the salad.
Gavin had to go to the dentist to have some teeth removed mid move and so he isn’t actually able to eat it.
Anyway back to moving. Hopefully just one more van.
Who with: Fourteen minutes and twenty two seconds
How long: Debbie and Gavin